Friday, December 23, 2005
king kongacrappa
Safe to read. No spoilers. Cept that Kong dies in the end. But if you didn't know about that than I should probably let you know that Jesus rises from the dead in the Passion of the Christ. Whoops. Honestly, there's a whole lotta good that can be said about this movie and a whole lotta bad. Now if you watched this movie, jack black caps off the movie with a pretty memorable quote at the very very end. Only problem with the quote is that it's absolutely retarded. If you haven't seen it, go watch it, if even just to hear that one quote. And then come back here and we can talk about it. Seriously, it's one of those movies that eveyrone has to see. Like Starwars. No matter how retarded it is and how bad the acting is, you have to see it so you can tell your kids that you saw it cause starswars and kingkong and titanic will be the only movies that they'll recognize from ur generation. Like my mom and dad telling me about all these obscure bands they listened to but the only ones that register are the Beatles and Simon and Garfunkel. Do it for the kids so you guys can have something to talk about over the dinner table. Making connections to the obligatory "drug talk" with the kids will be much easier when u make reference to peter jackson being high as a kite when making this movie.
posted by DarrenGene @ 3:20 AM  
  • At 10:45 AM, Blogger JL said…

    i thought it was pretty good! but then again, i'm a sucker for anything that roars =/

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