Wednesday, December 21, 2005
the break thus far...
i have beeeen eating sooo much foood.

When I'm at home making dinner in the ktizzzown, I'd usually do up half a cup of rice, 2-3 cups of veggies (assuming that they're in the frozen form), and slab of meat be it fish, chicken, or beef, and call that a meal. But ever since I got home I've been eating for two... and it doesn't help that my parents have been taking me to all you can eat sushi places (i'm heading again tommorow...this'll be twice since i got back on the saturday, not including taco sushi which i hit up with ET peeps after church). I knew it was coming too. When I first walked thru the door my mom said i looked too skinny and said that she was going to fatten me up good before i head back to school.

I'm now beginning to realize that that's the mission of all mothers in my family: to fatten up their kids. It's true everytime my grandma sees my dad (but my dad is legitimately skinny being the frikken ironman marathon runner that he is...and no im not jealous). I believe my mom said the same thing to my bro and he ain't even that skinny. You know i don't necessarily have a problem with my moms telling me that she's going to feed me good, but why does she wanna fatten me up? Is this because she wants me to be nice and plump before she sticks me in the oven? Do your moms tell you this as well? Honestly, I don't think i've gotten skinnier and my weight's been pretty consistent for 5 straight years. I think her telling me i look skinnier might be a front... that is unless of course the family pictures she's been developing have been stretching the pictures a little too sideways or the digicam picture viewer that she rawks makes people seem a little chunkier and shorter than they really are. But tha can't be the case either cause she's never in the past 3-4 years, said that I look like i'm taller (damn you milk and your lies). And yeah, there's the whole obsession with looking healthy with Chinas and what healthy really looks like (my chinese middle name means good-health just to show you how big a priority that was for my parents for me....nope not to be handsome or damn be healthy)... this has the makings of another retarded Seinfeld post where i rant about nothing....i'll stop here and carry on with the rest of my weekend.

So yeah besides the excessive eating, I'm setting up interviews for my thesis with pastors and revs from emerging churches, and they've all been real receptive about doing these interviews...even offering to take me out to lunch and pay for my meals in doing em... I suppose that kinda generousity is expected out of church shepherds, but it's real nice to be on the receiving end, especially during the crazy Christmas consumer rush.

And yeah, on another note, I've been doing pretty good in avoiding the consumer rush (except when it comes to food at least). I only hit up Fairview once and that was to pick up a pair of some real nice leather mitts to keep the paws warm. Think I'm going to do the shopping for the family online this year...maybe book a show for my parents thru, and get something nice for my bro. Don't know yet, but it's been the least of my worries. I've had some good times so far: Watching Narnia and almost watching Kong the next day with good friends, playing hockey with ET boys and Eric Mok, making a ruckus at Gavo's baptism, chillen like a villain with my always dependable, sometimes off the top with the ethnic hate boys (and manda =p), watching raptors games again on the tv set, putting gradschool applications on the backburner....yeah man goodtimes

And more fun stuff to happen during this week including Kong (finally), illuminate and ET parties, and winter crystal bizzaaaallll

And on a totally random tangent, just a quick question. If you had a plant that you grew and nurtured for 3 years but in the third year, started to grow mega a twig with a couple of leaves on the top, wouldn't you chuck that? I sure would. Ugliness is grounds for chucking. There I made my case Kat Zhang.

Peace to K-Town (and dano: I'm eating for both of us here in your memory haha)
posted by DarrenGene @ 12:57 AM  
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