Monday, June 25, 2007

so right now im on one of the desktops at work and everytime i use google past searches come up. And on two of the computers i've tried so far what i usually get is; "Nobody wanna see us together" Most kids here can't speak much english beyond a few words but u hear em singing akon everywhere. Love it.

and since u've come this far already, an entry from my journal:

~ Culture Shock ~
I figured coming into the PI that although people here are living in substandard conditions, you really wouldn’t know from the people’s sense of contentment. And although there are always exceptions, from my interactions with the staff and the children, this remains true. You get this feeling after 5 minutes of talking, laughing and joking that people here are genuinely happy and satisfied with what they have. I’m sure that anyone who visits here or other “problem” areas probably leave with the same feeling: that there is much contentment in a simple and humble life. This flows right in line with the biblical perspective, which cautions us not to look for contentment in material goods cause you won’t find it there. The rich but simple lives of the people here (again sorry for the generalizations) is a testament of this. Here at LCP, people do not obsess about what they don’t have but are extremely thankful and grateful for what they do have. How’s that for perspective?
Coming from the rat-race, material wealth obsessed, “me infatuated” western world of living, it’s both invigorating and challenging to be living in this new setting: Separated from the black hole that is the TV, modern appliances like the washer and dryer, shower facilities, and at times running water and electricity and into a world where the bucket takes on a whole new level of importance, where turning on your room Air Conditioner Unit causes a brown-out for the whole block (nothing says “Nice to Meet you” better than knocking out your power), and where the caribou seemingly takes the place of the lawn mower. It’s a vacation like no other; hard to get used to at first but like a fine wine, gets better with age.
posted by DarrenGene @ 5:04 AM  
  • At 4:43 AM, Blogger kaizo said…

    cool goat pic. awesome to hear some of the adventures you're having. we're praying for you back here in hawaii, darren!

  • At 6:50 PM, Blogger bboyreal said…

    so what do u think the social implications r of the tv on society? the spread of western values such as cashmoney, bling, thinness for girls, buffness for guys, sex being nothing but a measure of how much love u have from that person, more means better, me first, and 20" rims?

  • At 6:52 PM, Blogger bboyreal said…

    that was just a thought during my procrastination...

    in belize i saw peepz literally pushing rims...beat down old car which had 4 guys pushing it...but gosh were those 20" chrome rims hawt!

  • At 5:15 PM, Blogger ~*SmileyFace Grace*~ said…

    We missed you at Johnny's bday party last night. Lots of Ric- hassling was going on. Love the photo with the piggies, so cute! And it sounds like this experience has been good for you. =) TTYS

  • At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That piggy's probably in someone's stomach now...hahahahaha...mmm pork chops....and yes I do think with my stomach haha

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