Monday, May 02, 2005
the unemployment club

so i had an interview at tommy at 8:15 this morning and i was running the interview thru my head trying to find the answers for all of their possible questions. Here are a couple:

Q: So, why exactly do you want to work for Tommy Hilfiger?

Made up Answer: I grew up with Tommy for most of my teenage-adult life. Back in Junior High, I remember when the brand name was everything to me and now, I still love Tommy, although it's evolved somewhat from its preppie image to embrace different styles but at the same time, stayed true to its American roots. I love what Tommy stands for. It's about embracing all of the things we love about American culture. Although, I have limited experience in retail sales, I feel that this would be a good place to start given the impact that Tommy has made on my own life. =)

Real Answer: I would like to earn some extra money but at the same time exploit the employee discounts for your merchandise, but given that I won't be making all that much and will probably have to shell out a bit just to wear the proper attire on the job, I probably stand to make close to nothing, but hey, at least I get something good to put on the resume and get some nice clothes to wear too =)

Q: What are your weaknesses and how might they affect your job performance?

Made up Answer: I think I'm a highly self-motivated person and at times, this can work against me, especially working in a team-work setting. If people are not working according to my own standards, I will attempt to do the work for them. But I believe working in teamwork settings in the past few years with regards to my teaching experience in summer camp has taught me the importance of working together...motivating others towards the common goal rather than just trying to be the best myself.

Real Answer: I'm not really all that self motivated. I'm usually motivated to excel at something I'm really passionate about and enjoy doing. I am really amped, for example, for the latter part of this summer where I'll be back in summercamp working with the kids. I see working with kids as a very enriching job given that their enthusiasm is contagious and you actually get the chance to play a role in molding their lives and challenging their minds (well not necessarily academically cause it is just camp still). But I'm a little skeptical about me being highly motivated on this job. What kind of impact am I actually making by folding clothes and assisting in sales? So that's probably a huge potential problem if you actually decide to give me this job.

So upon further review, i decided not to go to my interview this morning. I decided that I don't wanna get a job this summer just for the sake of getting a job, and i don't wanna have to lie in my interviews and tell them I'll be available all summer when i know I'll be working at the church for the last two months... In all honesty, who is willing to train and hire somebody for two months? So, I am sitting comfortable with my jobless fate. I mean I have books to read and a correspondence course to do as well so I won't be bored out of my mind... but if anyone wants to chill or have fun, I believe I can free up sooommmmee time to play =) So here's to unemployment! (but hey if you do know somebody that needs temp work holla at your boy!)
posted by DarrenGene @ 11:25 AM  
  • At 12:06 AM, Blogger MC said…

    can i join your club? i have no friends and i also have conversations with myself!

  • At 7:11 PM, Blogger DarrenGene said…

    price of admission into this special club is to score me a job =)

  • At 7:21 PM, Blogger MC said…

    :( you are a funsucker!!!

  • At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    HI DAREBEAR!!!!!!

    Yay for two months of unemployment and two months of fun with the little kiddies!!! I can't wait! And I really really really hope we go to Chuck E Cheese again this year!! hehe :) I had my interview with Pastor Lee today, and aside from "how are you?" I think he asked me like... one other question, lol. Good times :)

    See you!

  • At 3:57 PM, Blogger Adrian said…

    You have my respect Darren Genius Wong...u did the right I'll hire u as my personal massuer :D

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