Tuesday, March 25, 2008
It's sticky hot. Melt ice cubes on your forehead hot. Two swipes with the antiP ain't going to do it hot
but when it' hot minutes moments come to a crawl and stand suspended
like time picked up its hat went out the door and ended
a blink becomes good night and good morrow
happiness eternal and likewise with sorrow
you see it all for what it is and what it ever will be become
a snapshot of present circumstance and all that can be seen is one
one moment to the next the chain reaction of mind
and mind to consciousness perceiving the elements to shape thought and then rewind...

who is that? a face I do not recognize
a smirk on his face like da kine left after effects of a joke that didn't take
eyes filled with wonder and expectation
he's got life in his soul and the world set firmly in his sights

wait i know that face
it's a face that i do recognize
it's the face of a young boy who saw a chance and took it
without a second thought decided to plunge in and take it in for all its worth
given a ticket for a free ride and pounced
i know that face yes i do plain and clear
posted by DarrenGene @ 8:30 PM   0 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
So this week, almost 7 months after the fact, I've gotta give a presentation to the consuelo board regarding my trip to the Philippines. How has my experiences over on that side of the world really changed my thinking, my method of doing over here? Better question, how has it not? In what manner have I not been challenged both as a professional and as a living breathing person?

For starters, the words community and interdependence took on new meaning for me while I was over there. I mean when you grow up in a culture that preaches about the joys and freedoms of independence, it's weird to live in a world that lives and breathes community. And there's real beauty in that two way process. Yep I said two way process because to all those world shakers out there who will give their left nut to help their neighbour, you gotta be willing to receive help yourself. Maybe it's an asian thing but i think thinking like this was almost counter intuitive for me: Always was easy for me to give help/lend a hand/do a favour but was so reluctant to receive these same services for myself. Martyr syndrome? Whatever the case, it don't play like that and that's not community as you're in essence robbing people you served of an opportunity to reciprocate.

And living over there and listening to some of the horror stories that some of these poor souls have gone through, yet you'd never ever see it from their bright affects... that's true resilience right there.

And that's really only the tip of the iceberg. I'm not much of an ego pusher but for me to say that I have in no way grown and realized new things about myself and my surroundings would be a big fatty lie. I sense, feel, think differently now.
posted by DarrenGene @ 3:31 AM   0 comments
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