Saturday, May 14, 2005
my legs don't work

so after two straight days of ball at the Y with pixelboardians, i decided to give the good old lower body a workout at good old goodlife. My legs were already a little sore from ball but i was thinking that it's been forever since i've given my legs a good old thrashing... and so i went to work performing squats, lunges, quad raises, hip abductor and adductor uhhh movements. And to be honest with you, immediately after, my legs still felt somewhat juiced and good to go, so before concluding the workout, i decided to work the abigail muscles on the leg raise crunch machine. And so i'm about to do my first set when a girl asks me if "i have many sets left?" to which i responded, "I just started, but u're welcome to work out with me" to which she responded, "great". So, i'm just about finished my set and i'm about to leap down off the machine since it's suspended in the air about a foot. I touch the ground, but my legs at this point completely give (i guess they weren't as "juiced" as i thought) and i fall forward almost into another guy working out across from me. The good thing is, the only thing that was hurt was my pride. The girl giggles a little and steps up to do her set while i limp off to get a drink of water. As I come back, she hops off the machine, mutters to me that "It's pretty hard, eh?" (in reference to the ab workout) to which i respond, "it was killer".

so, i get up on the machine and resume my set while she looks on and when i finish she jokingly remarks, "be careful this time, or you'll fall again". I get down carefully, watching my step and reply,"it happens all the time with me. Just can't seem to help it". She looks at me with a pouted look as she steps onto the machine: "That's a shame, because I have that problem too... I was hoping that maybe you could catch me, just in case i fall as well."... She kinda caught me off guard with this comment and so i stutter out the words, "N-N-No problemo.". I mean seriously now, who says that still? But luckily for me, she laughs (either at my comment or at my akward nervousness that was beginning to show). As she finishes her set she looks at me and surprise surprise, trips and falls into surprise surprise my arms. And it was like at that point, time just stopped ticking, there was no one else in the gym but the two of us. I looked deeply into her eyes and she looked deeply into mine and as our faces slowly inched closer together, my knees gave once again and we came crashing down onto the floor laughing. *sigh*

yeah so all of paragraph two was fictional, but to this day my legs still kill (it's been a day and a half now). peaas

Oh yeah, mixtape update: one quarter done. If it's 70 percent to pass the ump test than i guess my bootay is grasssss and CC is less than a week away! bye friends for now
posted by DarrenGene @ 5:29 PM  
  • At 6:48 PM, Blogger MC said…

    HAHA.. i LOVE paragraph two... it's too bad that never happens in real life!

    Thanks for the update Dare Bear. And don't worry about the ump test - whatever the outcome, it will be good. Because if you pass, then.. yay, you pass. But if you don't, then you have more free time to yourself :) HOORAH!

  • At 9:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    haha, i woulda believed paragraph two, ure jus that good lookin!


  • At 12:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    WOW dar. :) forget about umping - you should just write romance novels this summer :P they'll be a super read!!! talk soon!

    - katz

  • At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That's why you should go to cummer with me; when I collapse in a fit of exhausation, I only look up to senior citizens.

    oh yea, can't make it to cc :(


  • At 5:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hi darbear..., i too believed the story..., if u wrote a romance novel, i would buy it.

  • At 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh my goodness - i actually believed you. You stink! I was thinking - OH MY GOODNESS! NOT EVEN!....If only Darren! if only! Hope you're having a blast at CC!

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