Sunday, June 19, 2005
this is going to be a quickie
i waiting for my dad right now to finish a chapter of the book he's reading before we head out to do some maintenance work for the dayvcare that my mom owns. He says he'll be done in 10 minutes so i figure i might as well make the 10 minutes count.

Here's the mandatory kingston update that i promised in the last post which happened about 2 weeks ago: Real goot times. Went up with james and eric to stay from monday to thursday. Spent the days working hard (on econ) and the nights playing hard, but not really that hard cause my leg was still gimp. Actually the 3 of us, when eric and james were not duelling it on on mlb 2k6, played poker much of our freetimes, enuf to get sick of the game but actually the more i play, the more i wanna play. Go fig? Tuff wknd to visit tho since a lot of the kids up there were writing essays or facing deadlines or just generally had very busy work schedules but made a point to visit and drop by to almost everybody that we wanted to see. But kingston's always goottimes, except for the heat. guy. the heat was death. Really makes you just wanna go up to a fan and hug it and give it the attention that it deserves.

And now it looks like my dad has finished which means so has this post. Had a real fun field of dreams softball day yesterday which i will update on a lil later and some other fun stuff too.

Aight gg
Now gtg
posted by DarrenGene @ 3:27 PM  
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