Monday, May 16, 2005
my first nightmare in a long time
i haven't had vivid dreams in a while, let alone nightmares, so i think i'll share it with you:

(Note: usually when I dream, a lotta things that really don't make sense in your waking state make sense or seem to make sense in the dream)

Okay, I'm not sure what time it is exactly but I'm in bed at night falling in and out of sleep when my door opens and in walks an important looking little man in a black suit (i recognize who he is, but i think he's just a figment of my imagination). He flicks on the light bringing me back to life, says nothing to me, and heads straight to my desk pulling open my drawings going through my stacks of papers. This brings me out of the bed and i go over to confront him. The look in his face tells me that he has found what he has been looking for as I watch him eyeballing my passport. He grabs it in one hand and attempts to run past me and out my door but i manage to catch him by the coat and turn him around. (Now here's where reason seems to fall out of place). As he struggles to break out of my hold, I come to the realization that this man is not just a man, but the fallen angel himself and suddenly, his agenda for breaking into my room becomes clear to me: Satan is trying to steal my identity as he has tried (but failed) in numerous other occassions. You see, Satan in my dreams, has the ability to take whatever form he likes buuut, given this superhuman ability, he lacks the ability to forge legal documents (he cannot produce proper identification of who he is trying to be). So as he has tried in the past to steal my driver's licence and my Queens photo ID (although I don't remember dreaming of any of this on other occasions), he is back for my passport. I get violent at this point knowing the sheer magnitude of the situation if Satan was to escape out of my doors with my passport. So there I am kicking, punching, and screaming for Satan to be gone in the middle of the night. With so much noise, I manage to wake up my dad who peeks into my room to see what all the commotion is about. This distration is all i need in order to wrestle my passport free and kick Satan down the stairs. My dad calmly walks over to my washroom after the struggle to (take a shower?) while I struggle to find a hiding place for my passport knowing that Satan will return. The passport finds a new home in a lonely sock as I run out of my room and look over the bannister to see where Satan is. And there he is, at the bottom of the stairs, but he has taken a new form and begins to morph nonstop into different people that I have met in my life (although I can't recollect who they are now) as he slowly begins the trek upstairs to where I am. I begin to start horking and tossing down mistimed loogies in his direction (this part is pretty believable because i have no control of where my spittle flies and falls...often down my shirt) and as he reaches the last step, we grapple, me versus me, except I'm (or he) is a lot stronger than I am and he overpowers me and pushes me into the washroom in which my dad is showering. So i'm in the washroom yelling for my dad to turn off the water and give his son a hand as Satan proceeds to start slapping me with these huge open-faced hands (his hands morphed but he's still me) demanding to know where I have hidden the passport. My dad, who is no longer my dad at this point because he has become someone else, continues on with his/her shower while I am beaten without mercy. It's right here in the story that I wake up. As I was posting in velsie's blog, it seems that I always wake up at the climax of my dreams. Well the good news is Satan didnt end up getting my passport. It's still in my top drawer in my desk. Better news yet is that my dad didn't come out of the shower naked to come save me. I think i'd might have some serious problems if that happened in my dream (phew). Peaaaaas! (as in peace no peter owen)
posted by DarrenGene @ 11:35 AM  
  • At 10:58 AM, Blogger Adrian said…

    ahahha...ur so funny Darren...that is a REALLY odd dream yet I can see some semblance of coherency behind it all...I wonder if it has any significance? Perhaps it's something you could pray about, if finding/keeping ur identity is something that you struggle with...

  • At 2:33 AM, Blogger DarrenGene said…

    i've been having a string of strange dreams lately but they're all too random to make sense of. meh

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