Monday, November 28, 2005
friends...whatchu gonna do without ur friends
just wanna take the time to say that i am very blesssed by my friends here in the kingtown. Was starting to feel a lil left out since both eric and peapea had their own hot chocolate bins (and a lil tempted to swipe a couple mugs from their treasury as well I might add like i did from josh when he lived with us) but alas, katz superfriend zhang drops on by without much warning and gives me my own jugolic bin with cookies on the side...Wat a good friend. Katz u are no longer friend but superfriend! But yeah very blessed indeed which prompts me now to outline my kingtown friends not trying to be too shallow chronological friends table (and i realize I am bound to miss and so if u're reaidng this and are like...yo! what the heck! i thought i was ur friend, why didn't i get mentioned? don't hate! appreciate! hmmm u know what? on second thought this might not be sucha good idea afterall cuz what if i fail to mention your name and you really like me as a friend but because u don't see ur name here, u'll be all like...Yoh. Screw that! I'm never inviting that punk to any of my movie nights or birthday parties ever again and i'll be sitting alone in my apartment wondering if the cake was sweet and heavy or light and bouncy. So in favour of me eating cake and no feelings being hurt, i will refrain from the friends table. But that can't stop me from doing shoutouts:

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (pick ur initials here) many of u have them...
friends....the ones u can depend on...

Oh yeah, been meaning to do a blogtag thing cause i got hijacked on that by vels and bern. So in no particular order, 5 random things that u don't know about me... but should.

1) always eat the fries before the burger
2) if there are any forks lying around, i use them to stab at the fries to get em down my mouth
3) chicken wings and potato chips and NES controllers don't mix. I will testify on this.
4) In pictures I am finding that i usually only have one look so i'm trying to break out of the mold and make faces now which might make ppl think..."yoh. Why is he screwing up the pictures with those faces" and I'll be thinking.."yep Im screwing up ur pictures but at least u won't know that I only really have one look"
5) Believe that a clean house is a happy house. Yep. It's a little sad... so when I come over to ur place and start asking u questions like..."hey is everything alright?" and u're perfectly fine just know that it's because I'm secretly judging the state of ur happiness and wellbeing by the state of the mess in ur house/room. So get to ur cleaning or i'll be forced to give u an "it's okay, things are looking up" pat on the shoulder maybe with a sympathetic hug on the side.

And who do i wanna tag? You!


peas (which came before peter owen cause i was doing this in highschool)
posted by DarrenGene @ 2:40 PM  
  • At 11:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Your posts are pretty funny, Darren. Just for your information, I already knew that you hate grease and despise potato chips and can only eat fries with a fork...

    But ya, your posts have propelled Ken to creating his own blogspot. I think I might too b/c Xanga seems to suck in comparison.

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