Tuesday, March 14, 2006
chapter 4...but wait, u said earlier that there would only be 3?
welcome to another weak entry. As in last week. So yeah, just when i thought, maybe it's time to retire this mangled villa tortuga ID bracelet that i've been wearing to remind me of the good times that was Gideon Yong or Cuba, Gideon Yong, the person, releases this amazing DVD filled with everyone's digipic including a seperate DVD: a half hour long film of our exploits down the rio de canimar. So yeah, here I am back in Cuba with a fresh desktop wallpaper on my monitor that is yet another group shot on the beach. Dang.
While I'm living in the past I might even go back a lil farther and think about some other happy moments of the past: like waking up early saturday mornings to catch some saturday morning cartoons...namely Garfield and friends, Bobby's World, among others...and then getting the worst feeling of dread knowing that at 11:00, just a couple hours later, my dad would drive me to swimming lessons, which I was deathly scared of. Funny how now, I'm starting to fall in love with swimming, cept i still can't do it well, but then again, my deathly fear of swimming made for an inability to suceed in snatching up badges like most keeds and i only ended up getting to orange...which came after freaking pollywog...which isn't even a real badge... that's why i'm so wack at swimming now. And i used to be so scurred of dogs when i was little. Funny how now i can't wait to get my own. If i had a time machine and had a chance to visit younger me, we probably wouldn't get along.

But yeah, don't worry, it's not like i'm going to post anymore cuba pics cause that's been done to death.

whoops. Lied again. My bad dawg.
posted by DarrenGene @ 1:11 AM  
  • At 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ur part of supernatz too eh?

    i remember those swimming days. i was the scrawniest kid (ok still am) and my pops thought its a good idea to keep me swimming (maybe cuz i was so scrawny he thought i would drown if i didn't). i get to that coveted white badge by i think 10 or 11 years old or something around then (maybe earlier) but my dad being the bright engineer he is decides "the pool is cold so wear this tshirt to keep u warm in the pool". the tshirt is useless in keeping me warm in the pool since i didn't have a lick of fat on my body for insulation, instead the shirt created probably weighed me down by 5 pounds when taking in the water as well as creating a hell of a lot more drag. thanx for bringing back those memories and thanx pops for drowning me.

  • At 5:47 PM, Blogger DarrenGene said…

    i'm part of the...extended family haha...and like how that song by the Tony Rich Project goes... "and nobody knows it but me". BBoy real ain't scrawny anymore. Stop with ur pack of lies. They should call you BBoy fakery or BBoy modesty.

  • At 2:24 AM, Blogger kev said…

    hahah. pollywog. That word alone made me laugh.

  • At 12:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh man...those swimming days...i remember back then i was so afraid to enter the water that i would refuse to go in and sit out on the side of the pool for the whole lesson...i remember i wouldn't wanna tread water even with a lifejacket AND harness to pull me in...

    suffice to say i got over that...now some pools just don't go deep enough for me to explore...=(...too bad...and if they ain't deep i get disappointed

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