Friday, February 10, 2006
sleepless in seattle
yeah man. on the real, whenever thursday night comes around i know i'm screwed for friday's 8:30 seminar cause in the back of my mind i'll be counting down the hours of how much sleep i have left. And here we have again one of those sad nights. But it was nice at around 12 (yep, i went to bed at 11:30 in hopes that i would just "will" myself to sleep, but to no avail) cause yeah at 12 a car/truck/the sugerhill gang themselves pulled right outside my window and was blasting the full 8-9 minute version of rapper's delight at window-shaking decibels... and you can't hate that because that song is so participatory. The beat's infectious, and when you hear that bass line, you can't help but sing along to the booogety beat. But once the song was over, it was back to trying to get to sleep.... which i think i did for 4 hours and was just dreaming of trying to get to sleep (which makes for the worst dreamsever). But apparently i'm awake now and i mean fully awake, which means by the time 8:30 rolls around, i'll be a walking corpse, but meh, might as well live for the present. But the possiblity has also hit me that the words i'm typing right now are all going down in my dream and none of this is real. Which would also make for another crappy dream, like the one i apparently just had about trying to get to sleep in the first place. But whenever the brain's running wild like this i get caught up on some serious thinking on the serious "what if" tip. Like the ever so popular "what if everything i'm doing right now which i think is right, is actually wrong?": which is actually good cause it makes u rethink what you're doing... which inevitable leads for me to the: "what if my picture of what christian living today is totally wrong or out of touch with reality?", which is another good one to throw out there. Why my brain gets so hyperactive when it's supposed to go on sleep-mode is beyond me. Maybe i should switch it up. Since i'm so tired during the day and awake at night, maybe i should live like a bat?

Bleh. Had a reallly good thereupeutic scratching session with hiphopanon today which is good, followed by a really good thereupetic prayer session with the cell group which is also good. Now I'm looking forward to a good thereuptic sleep session before the dreaded sun comes up and fries my vampire skin. Blllleehhh!

why am i looking for pictures of vampires at 6:07 in the AM? I need some chlorform bad right now.
posted by DarrenGene @ 5:45 AM  
  • At 3:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you spelled THEREPEUTIC different all three times you used it and it was wrong all three times

  • At 11:25 PM, Blogger DarrenGene said…

    not at all surprised since that post was written in the middle of the night. Cmon! read into the context mang!

  • At 12:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ya rapper's delight can do it. that catchy looping bass.

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