Sunday, September 17, 2006
forget what you heard
derek on his xanga threw up 13 reasons why Hawaii is better than North America and for the most part his main reasons make sense like hot girls and hot beaches. I suppose I could say the same about Cuba being better than north america too for having been on the beaches and the resorts etc for one week. Having been here for almost 2 months now, let me fill you in on some reasons why home (toronto) is better than Hawaii.

1) change: sure the sun and the rainbows are gorgeous but the little subtle things like leaves changing color will never happen here (and no im not one of "those ppl" and never will be to hop into a car and drive X amount of miles just to see the leaves change)

2) food: what I gain in zippy's (the healthy mcDonalds with real edible local food at McDcs prices) I lose in Popeye's chicken which probably means I gain a couple years but is life without the cajun classic living at all?

3) the decisions made by George Bush and congress have a more direct impact on me here being part of the US than being the "quiet Canadian neighbour". And when Bush puts on a public address on the TV, it's not like i can just skip to global or sportsnet to avoid seeing his face. He's on almost every channel here and i have digital cable.

4) dresscode is more liberal which is good when we talk about all the burnnners up here but then again, not everyone's beautiful... on the outside (good save)

5) the sun sets at 7pm.

6) Our homeless situation is ridigurous not to say that toronto doesn't have a bad homeless problem because it does but here it's exacberated by high housing costs (double that of Toronto) and substandard and prejudiced social services

7) Filmmakers here are a huge distraction: Lost season 3 is filming at the school where I'm working now and it is absolute chaos. I'm not saying I'm not going to watch the show anymore. Maybe i'll just download it and rip to CDs and sell it for profit to steal some of theirs to make up for the hours of inconvenience of having to park at the bottom of the mountain rather than in our designated parking spots that they stole from us.
posted by DarrenGene @ 9:00 PM  
  • At 10:29 PM, Blogger Buttug McOysty said…

    I'd park halfway around the world if I ever got to meet Evangeline Lilly.

    Now get back to work, and try to be an "extra" thanks.

  • At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    sounds like not everything is all rainbows and sunshine dar! but things could be not as they seem right? i mean, what message could they possibly be sending with posting Bush on every single channel? no sinister plans about global domination, because media exposure does not come from government censorship or as a carefully crafted statement about where your society is at. wow - HEY G DUBBYA! thank goodness i'm still in canadian jurisdiction.

    take care, relax! soak in some cancer rays for us - we don't get enough of 'em here.

  • At 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    TO was better when DGW was in TO thats for sure

  • At 9:57 PM, Blogger Johnny said…

    i, jw, also agree with jw

  • At 11:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    u say that now...but once winter rolls around and we're knee deep in snow u're gonna be laughing under the sun sippin ur corona extra and throwing cell phones into the water...wait...NO POPEYES!?!?!?!...i'd rather be in TO=)

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