Sunday, August 20, 2006
back in black

yep pictured above is the new whip. Half the horses as the other black sedan back home but who cares? i got my own whip! It took 2 days in a small office to finally get my name etched out onto the pink slip and now it's donezo. Now that she's all mine, I'm getting all overprotective, parking farther away in lots if it means that i'm less likely to get my doors nicked by the next guy, pressing the lock button on my key an extra 3 times...just in case the intial honk telling me that my car is locked was all part of my imagination. But at the same time, i've got a feeling it's only a matter of time before some jackass decides to claim ownership on my whip (honda civics are the most common targets of autotheft here in hawaii) or some pretentious punk decides that it's not enuf that he's got citizenship in the island, but needs a big fat H on a chain around his neck...My H! to let the world know where he's from.

Some other random facts:

~ School starts up on the 21st but doesn't get heavy really until two weeks later so until then, daily trips are in order to the north shore to work out the bodyboard.
~ I've got geckos in my room and i can't killem cause they're so bloody fast on their feet and then they run and hide in crevices where i can't get em. But i'll let em live cause they look funkadelic in their neon colors plus they're saving me large on my car insurance. Now the beetles in my apartment are another story.
~ Harmful exposure to intense UV rays have officially killed the farmer in my tan. Now I'm just tanned. More basian than asian
posted by DarrenGene @ 6:45 AM  
  • At 11:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ur car is lame cuz its automatic and not standard. thought i let u know although u already know that i think ur car is lame.

    hahaha. ok i have nothing good to say...why do i keep being a jerk to u?

  • At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    eww beatles? thats gross. thats worse than spiders. you know what beatles mean? that your apartment is dirrrttty (or at least that SOMEONE's apartment in your complex is dirty!)! sick. oh well! at least if you're still in that protein stuff.. you can collect some all and mix/blend them together to make some beatleeeee juiiicccee.

    - katz

  • At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yo leave darren's civic alone! i love the new civic auto or stick, but then the SI is cooler...way cooler...WAAAAY COOLER!...wait u live in the states now, GET THE EVO!!! and yo GECKO's are amazing! they look so funny...i wish i had a pet least ur softball tan is gone i think mine's permanent=(

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