Monday, January 23, 2006
I'm alive
because of this, i get to keep all of my junk. Apologies all around. The water situation in our home is apparently back to normal after 2 days of weird colours. Our landlord came in to check it out this morning and found nothing and probably thinks we made up the story, which brought me back to the bugs bunny and tweety show where in one episode some guy comes across a dancing and singing frog which'll will only sing and dance for that one dude and nobody else. I know what i saw and I'm not crazy. But yeah, this morning i got off to a bad start to my new start at life. While playing with nunchucks i managed to knock myself in the eye and dislodged my contact lens deep into the crevices of my eyeball. For a good 15 minutes i tried to get my contact back into my iris and because of this struggle i now have what seems to be a permanent red outline of where my contact was trapped (the dangers of gas perms). In the afternoon i went to head out and fulfill my civic duties as a citizen to go out and vote. But after waiting in line for about 20 minutes, when i finally got to the front of the line, they told me that I had went to the wrong polling station and that i needed to go to another location and wait in line again.... which sucks, and as much as i want the communist party to get a seat, i'll have to wait till next year cause i'm not really feeling like lining up again. A bad start to a second chance of life but i'm looking forward to a strong second half of the day.
posted by DarrenGene @ 6:45 PM  
  • At 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i totally know which episode you're talking about! wow i didn't know that people remembered shows like that, just like me!
    peace out-
    andrea from utah

  • At 2:51 AM, Blogger JL said…

    next year?! elections every 4 to 5 years! (depending on how long the harper minority lasts...hopefully 5 years!)

  • At 12:13 AM, Blogger DarrenGene said…

    whoops my bad

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