Friday, March 31, 2006
sprung into spring (no puns intended)
note: if you by chance got here to this here page looking to buy my furniture all you gots to do is scroll down a bit

alright so i'm walking home from my last surveillance class ever at 11:30 and the sun's blazing, it's around 11 degrees celsius and spring is in the air. As i'm walking home i began to notice some real interesting things reagrding race and ethnicity pertaining to asian and white appearance and behaviour. Keep in mind now that I'm leaving a SOCIOLOGY of surveillance class so the budding sociologist in me is always a little more critical, the senses are a little more heightened than regular walks. And yeah i'm just walking and i'm noticing some correlations on my trek north to princess street via division.

Observation 1
The majority of white Queens students on their way to classes or just lounging on their patios with book in hand are rocking skirts/shorts/tshirts/Beaters even. Again, it's 11 degrees out so it's a comfortable weather to be dressing like that, but yeah, whenever the sun's out tho, the first thing that I notice is that white ppl break out the spring/summer fashion line (at queens this happens in colder weather as 5 degrees and girls are out in flipflops and spahgetti straps). K yeah, so there's nothing ridiculous about this observation but when we look at...

Observation 2
All the asians I encountered, and altho the sample size is fairly small...we're looking in the neighbourhood of 10 in comparison to the neighbourhood of 40 whites, yeah all the asians i encoutered were dressed in layers like a snowstorm was on its way. A few guys i passed by were rocking the Columbia fleece jackets, one girl had on the scarf and the wool cap (hey which could be more of a fashion statement than out of practicality..or maybe she was sick?), but yeah, on a general note, the asians i observed were, comparatively speaking, dressed more warmly then the whites.


Now now i know that the scientific method says that it's probably important to come up with a hypothesis before you start to observe and experiment but i'm a sociologist and scientists don't regard us as being scientists at all... more of a pseudo science like psychology, so i say screw the scientific method... and all scientists in general. Until we're allowed to join ur secret science society, we'll do what we want when we want. Rant over. So yeah, here's a couple of my hypothesis:

Number 1: White people have thicker skin or smaller pores than asians and in order to maintain the proper body temperature, they need to shed more clothing than asians do when it gets warm. This also explains why white ppl can walk around campus in flipflops and shorts when there's still frost on the ground while asian ppl look and point in horror(It's nature!).

Number 2 : Social conditioning from spastic asian mothers to wear more clothes than actually necessary in fear of catching a cold is only an asian phenomenon. Is it weird that i still sometimes hear my mom before i leave my apartment: ("WAI! SOOOY JUY! JERK DOH DEEE SAAM-A"! translation: hey! bad boy, wear more clothes!) (It's nurture!)

Number 3:
Bad sample? Maybe I'm just completely off here. Perhaps the asians that i encountered on the street were on their way to a ski trip somewhere where snow still exists and were rushing home to pick up some last minute things (like their skis!) before heading out.

Number 4:
Maybe I'm just a little too racist. A good friend told me that it's ok to be a little racist cause it helps us categorize people in our mind. And you know what? I agree with this and do this myself in my head. Let's be honest here cause we all do it. You know that itself doesn't seem harmful but once u take it a little step further and start attaching value judgements then boom! The headlines read "Ethnic Cleansing". Oh wait. That's already happening. Things that make u go hmmm.

Final thoughts
Now i just wanna make myself perfectly clear here that i have no hate for whites or asians for that matter. It's just something subtle that has been popping up in my head on more than one occassion. And who are we to be prudes that when Mr. Sun decides to pay us a visit, we would not welcome him into our pores by choosing to hide ourselves under Columbia fleeces and longjohns. So when Mr. Sun does come a knocking, you best "take dem clothes off" as my good friends from the steel town, Frank and Dank put it.

"take dem clothes off!"
posted by DarrenGene @ 11:52 AM  
  • At 12:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    tis a good song

  • At 1:22 AM, Blogger Melody said…

    that's exactly the observation i made today as i strolled to class at 11:30am this morning with my "thinner" winter jacket while i walked past this white girl wearing a skirt, tank tops and flipflops. i bump into my asian friend and tell her how i feel so overly dressed and notice that she is also wearing a winter jacket (that also contains some fur-like collar thing).

    as a psychologist, it's always important to have replication studies to prove a point. being that i also observed the same factors, perhaps this is a good "replication" and can now be generalized to the whole population. :)

  • At 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you ppl's is messed...i saw the complete opposite last week when it went up to 16 degrees...came outta volleyball and was like forget's so warm i'm goin home in shorts...i walk outside and i'm still burning by the way...i see these white ppl ALL DECKED winter columbia fleece jackets...hat...gloves scarves...i was like WHAT THE?!?!!
    so there! white ppl can be messed up too!

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